
Showing posts from May, 2010

Happiness is A Social Virtue

If we are happy, we'll contribute happiness to the society, if we are distressed we'll surely inflict others in one way or other. Happiness is a social virtue, it is not an isolated state of mind which only surrounds an individual. Some of us often think that happiness can sometimes act selfishly, which I think and feel isn't right. We cannot enjoy a real happiness, a long lasting pleasure in our life if everything is not well around us. This state of mind can't be reached by fooling others, snatching there rights, bunking our duties. A society which tends to be happy with whatever resources it has will definitely have a large number of individual enjoying happiness. It doesn't means that they do not have problems or they get satisfactory results from everything they do. It only means that these common problems of life do not interfere with the quality of life they can have. Happiness is A Social Virtue We cannot drive happiness by making others unhappy. It is no

Honesty leads to Happiness

Do you think honesty is related to success and happiness in life. Understanding a simple principle can lead to more comfortable life. Our environment today is more polluted then it was a year ago, our food chain is more vulnerable today then it was some time back. Today we are not actually enjoying life but we are only surviving, the physical environment is actually getting more and more polluted day by day which can be measured by our modern instruments but what about our mental environment our growing negative tendency, which has also deviated towards negative zone. We cannot lead a calm life, a peaceful life because it is counter productive, our modern lifestyle has turned each one of us to defensive mentality. We have to think before anything we do because nothing is natural, close to reality, water which was earlier a sign of life, a gift of nature is now a sign of pollutant illness and disease, we will not like to drink water directly from a natural source before processing or