
Showing posts from 2007

Life An Illusion of Mind

Mind is a privilege of Living Beings, its an indication of liveliness. It helps us to grasp our surrounding with the help of our senses. Whatever we perceive or understand is outcome of an illusion which is created by our mind . Data provided by our senses is manipulated by our mind according to his own philosophy or attitude. Even senses work under his guidelines, they work in confidence of mind. Eyes see what mind has instructed it to see, if eves have been instructed not to see an object or such an object doesn't exist at all for us to see, then eyes will simply refuse to find it around as if nothing as such exists before it. Spirituality, faith and positive thinking are ways to mend problems associated with mind . Once our mind learns these techniques its state of illusion is eliminated immediately. This world becomes a beautiful place to be around. Life seems good and happier than ever before , with all the games of life leading to a positive experience . Eyes too start se

Satisfaction- An Open Secret to Happiness in Life

Satisfaction isn't an state of inactivity and calmness, where you don't perform any action and are reluctant towards your duties. If this is what you call satisfaction then what is lethargy? The satisfaction I'm referring above as an open secret to happiness in life is the one which one drives when he gets completely immersed in his actions. He gives his 100% to the job he is doing and is physically and mentally involved in its successful completion. This is the only thing that matters most to him. Now, after the job is over he has nothing to worry on his part as he did what he ought to do and was in his control and now is satisfied with his role. Result may or may not be favorable to him but it doesn't pinches him so hard. Why? It is simply because it is something beyond his control. He doesn't have any role in it and where he had a role to play he did everything that was possible for him to do. It isn't always possible for everyone of us to do things with a