Life An Illusion of Mind

Mind is a privilege of Living Beings, its an indication of liveliness. It helps us to grasp our surrounding with the help of our senses. Whatever we perceive or understand is outcome of an illusion which is created by our mind.

Data provided by our senses is manipulated by our mind according to his own philosophy or attitude. Even senses work under his guidelines, they work in confidence of mind. Eyes see what mind has instructed it to see, if eves have been instructed not to see an object or such an object doesn't exist at all for us to see, then eyes will simply refuse to find it around as if nothing as such exists before it.

Spirituality, faith and positive thinking are ways to mend problems associated with mind. Once our mind learns these techniques its state of illusion is eliminated immediately. This world becomes a beautiful place to be around. Life seems good and happier than ever before, with all the games of life leading to a positive experience. Eyes too start seeing a new ray of light in every object it comes across.

Mind is very powerful so is the illusion created by mind. it may make you think & grasp things in a way which isn't true. Something that no one else will agree except the one who has got his mind in illusion. Illusion created by mind can make you believe in something that doesn't exists at all. This is something that scientist know as 'Virtual Reality'. Virtual reality isn't anything other than an illusion created by mind.

This virtual reality or illusion of mind can exist in one of the two forms. We can think in any direction as per our perception or illusion created by mind. We can think or believe that what others are calling a 'virtual reality' or 'illusion of mind' is in fact a fact and not a myth or illusion of mind. We may also feel that what others think to be real is actually a myth a virtual image of objects, which actually aren't existing but are simply there because of mass illusion existing among people.

If a survey is conducted on the above question of virtual reality and illusion of mind on an issue or object, I'm sure we'll get answer in favor of each of the concepts i.e. for some people an object or issue is real and for others its virtual or distraction. This is because 'Life An Illusion of Mind' or 'virtual reality' aren't a concept or philosophy of life but a reality, a truth which exists with the life on this planet.


  1. Yes, life is an illusion. What we think is real is a hologram. Easy example is color. What we think is red is really not red, until our brain decodes the frequency of red. What we are seeing is only a frequency of wave and not a color.
    peace out

  2. Thanks for your comment moderator. Life is really an illusion and it applies to a number of things that are or happen in our life.

    Example of color is very relevant and easy to understand.


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