Honesty leads to Happiness

Do you think honesty is related to success and happiness in life. Understanding a simple principle can lead to more comfortable life. Our environment today is more polluted then it was a year ago, our food chain is more vulnerable today then it was some time back. Today we are not actually enjoying life but we are only surviving, the physical environment is actually getting more and more polluted day by day which can be measured by our modern instruments but what about our mental environment our growing negative tendency, which has also deviated towards negative zone.

We cannot lead a calm life, a peaceful life because it is counter productive, our modern lifestyle has turned each one of us to defensive mentality. We have to think before anything we do because nothing is natural, close to reality, water which was earlier a sign of life, a gift of nature is now a sign of pollutant illness and disease, we will not like to drink water directly from a natural source before processing or testing it.

Walking in sunshine is no more safe, we have to use our own artificial protection to protect us from the natural gift sun rays. Sun is the primary source of light, energy and food. It is responsible for protecting all forms of life on this planet. It is responsible for light, air and wind, takes care of bio-diversity on this planet. Today, the same sun and its sunshine are dangerous to our skin, our health. Why?

We have our-self destroyed our peace on this planet, our happiness, we are no more truthful and honest to ourselves, may be we have increased our mental powers, our ability to see and provide reasons/logical conclusion  for anything that happens or we do but this frequent processing, frequent thinking has snatched our peace, our happiness. We can cannot switch off our mind and then enjoy life.

The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousandfold.  ~Aristotle

 Aristotle above quote tells the whole story, we have actually deviated from nature and now we are fighting back to protect ourselves, we know more believe in honesty because honesty is natural, unabridged edition which doesn't need any alteration, any addition or subtraction. It is what it really was. If we are honest then we do not need any thinking we can only remember things and then replay the series.

Truth fears no questions.  ~Unknown
We have developed a fear due to existing negative environment around us, a symptom similar to dishonesty. We are today surviving by reading and learning advantages and benefits of doing this and using that. We have to take care of everything actively, we cannot close our eyes and be ourselves for even some moments. We fear that we will lag behind, we will loose something. 
We have developed our power of explanations and facts, world is more developed today then it was a century ago but world is also also more dangerous today then it was a century ago, world needs more artificial protection today then before, everything seems to be on the brink of collapsing. 

This is not all, today we have developed a wrong concept about honesty, we do not think of it as a natural tendency to enjoy happiness, we think it to be a difficult path, a way which can lead to unnecessary problems in our life. May be this is true today because our definition today has also shifted now honesty is not a representation of natural outcomes (because nature is itself not natural anymore) but a presentation of the fact from our modern thinking. 

Simple things makes a simple life, creating unnecessary twists can lead to unnecessary twists in life. Life is easy and we should enjoy life. Honest is a tool to keep things simple and manageable. Today honesty is a literary word, a keyword to be used to add more weight-age, there is no need to understand real philosophy of honesty and its positive consequences on our life. 


  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    may be you should correct it to maybe.
    get in some writing program too...


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